1- Sociology Department, Human & Social Sciences Faculty, Science and Research University, Tehran, Iran , amir_farokhvandi@yahoo.com 2- Social Welfare Planning Department, Social Sciences Faculty, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (4638 Views)
Aims: In order to achieve social welfare and provide needs of people of the society, at first it is necessary to carry out a need assessment in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the most important needs and priorities of the society. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the present situation and to investigate the needs of staffs of the martyrs and sacrificers foundation in four dimensions: economic, social, cultural and psychological and factors affecting it. Instrument & Methods: In this descriptive study, in 2014, 230 people of staffs of the martyrs and sacrifices foundation in Khuzestan province were randomly selected. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire to assess the present situation and level of needs. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient, independent T-test and one-way analysis of variance. Findings: In most of staffs, the economic, social and cultural situation was at a moderate level and the psychological situation was at a good level. In %87.8, economic, social, cultural and psychological needs were at a high level, in %10.0 at an average level and in %1.7 at a very high level. There was a significant relationship between education level (p=0.006) and employment status (p=0.0001) with need level of staffs. As well as, there was a significant and reversed correlation between the economic situation (r=0.774), social situation (r=0.439), cultural situation (r=0.253) and psychological situation (r=0.487) with the general level of needs (p=0.0001). Conclusion: In most of staffs, the economic, social and cultural situation is at a moderate level and the psychological situation is at a good level. The economic, social, cultural and psychological needs of most people are high. The level of education, employment status and economic, social, cultural and psychological situation affect the level of needs.
Farokhvandi A, Parsi F. Economic, Social, Cultural and Psychological Need Assessment of Staffs of the Martyrs and Sacrificers Foundation; A Case Study of Khuzestan Province. 3 2020; 1 (2) :67-74 URL: http://ijis.ir/article-1-41-en.html